Hi, my name is Joshua Oni
I'm A Software Engineer.

About Me

About me

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I am a Software Engineer with expertise in building both client-side and server-side applications. Primarily but not exclusively, I make use of the various tools and technologies listed in my resume (which I have attached below) in my work.
I am motivated by the endless possibilities of technology. Curiosity sparked my coding journey, and I've since discovered that it's the art of problem-solving that truly drives me. I relish challenges that demand creative solutions, whether it's crafting user-friendly interfaces or optimizing algorithms. What fuels my passion even more is the belief that technology can bring about positive change. I'm committed to building software that simplifies lives and addresses societal issues.
A few of my personal projects are listed below.
I am currently actively seeking opportunities within the web development industry. If you have a project that requires my skills, please feel free to get in touch by email, provided at the bottom of this page.

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Car Hub / Car Quest

Car Quest is a demo car rental application. Built using Next JS, Typescript, and Material UI. It consumes two APIs to access all car-related data. Features include server-side rendering - improving app performance, Advanced search and filtering. Fully responsive on web and mobile.

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Admin Dashboard

An admin portal website prototype. Built with React. It consists of a dashboard containing various analytics, and a students list. Features include advanced filtering, sorting, and searching. Fully responsive on web and mobile.

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Medical App Landing Page

Single page application built using React JS. A Landing Page for a Medical App. Fully Responsive on Web and Mobile.

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